Welcome to Monta Loma!
The Monta Loma Neighborhood Association (MLNA) invites you to explore these pages on our website:
- The neighborhood email list, enables you to ask a question of your neighbors, request something you need, keep abreast of issues that affect us, offer items you no longer need, and report a lost pet.
- Block parties are a great way to meet your neighbors. If your block does not have a party already scheduled, see the Block Parties page for information on how to organize one and be reimbursed up to $150 based on attendance.
- The Upcoming Events, Neighborhood Watch, CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), Contacts, Neighbors’ Websites, and Resources pages are others you’ll want to visit.
- There are periodic Mountain View LGBT Potlucks. Contact potluck@scubadoo.com for more information.
- The MLNA Board of Directors meets every six weeks and encourages your participation at any level of involvement. Board members are on the MLNA page.
There are many other pages worth visiting, so explore the listings under the column headings. Our History and Neighborhood Birds are just a few.
The Monta Loma newsletter is delivered to your door four times a year to announce events such as our annual meeting and board election in mid June, and the Ice Cream Social on the last Sunday in August. Our neighborhood garage sale is held on the first Saturday in May, in conjunction with the city-wide garage sale.
The notice board on the restrooms building in Monta Loma Park has announcements of MLNA, neighborhood, and community events.
Monta Loma Elementary School welcomes volunteers; visit montaloma.mvwsd.org or call 903-6195.
The Monta Loma Neighborhood is the portion of Mountain View bounded by West Middlefield, Rengstorff, Central Expressway, and San Antonio. We comprise 1,008 households in a mix of condos, apartments, and single-family homes. You can view and print a map of our maze of streets from the maps page. Choose the Detailed Parcel Map, either version.
Again, welcome to Monta Loma.
Please contact us with your questions and suggestions.