Mayor and City Manager speak to Monta Loma

At the Annual Meeting on May 30, guest speaker Mayor Pat Showalter showed slides as she explained how the City works, stressing that the key is the long tradition of civility, within the City Council and with the staff.  The councilmembers take turns filling the positions of mayor and vice mayor, a year at a time.  The “top-notch” staff carries out the policies the Council decides, and the advisory boards make recommendations to the Council.  Each councilmember also represents the City on a range of other local and state boards and commissions.  Pat mentioned the council’s seven Strategic Priorities, and then addressed the three topics that the MLNA Board had requested.

– The Rengstorff Avenue Grade Separation Project.  After 20 years in the planning, work will begin in 2026 to lower Rengstorff Avenue to pass under the Caltrain tracks.  The project will be very disruptive for two years, but will improve traffic flow and safety.  The City has made plans to minimize the disruption, and residents will know who to call to report immediate problems.

– The future park at 538 Thompson Ave.  The City is well aware of the shortage of park space in Monta Loma.  Residents will be invited to participate in the design, scheduled for 2025-26.  The City would like to purchase adjacent properties to enlarge it.  (In June, the purchase of one adjoining property, 2231  W. Middlefield Rd., was approved.)

– The San Antonio Corridor Plan.  Mountain View residents are welcome to participate in Palo Alto’s planning process.

Mayor Showalter ended with reminders to make use of the city’s website; to use the Ask MV button to ask questions or report problems; and to stay connected with the City via its various publications, listed at

City Manager Kimbra McCarthy accompanied Pat and also spoke, mentioning again that civility is a hallmark of Mountain View.  More park space for Monta Loma is a priority with the City.  The City mailed a questionnaire earlier this year asking residents to rank priorities for a potential revenue measure.  The Rengstorff Park Aquatics Center will be finished this summer.

During the question period, Pat answered many questions about traffic and traffic mitigation.  Incoming MLNA President Olga Bright asked her to explain the sea-level rise mitigation at Shoreline Park, which Pat did by describing how the former salt ponds are being turned into marshes and other climate-resilience plans and maps.

Another audience member recommended the city’s Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan.